
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Painting Beautiful Places...Kiawah Island, SC

'Kiawah Sunrise'          8x10        plein air pastel    $145
I am taking a long awaited VIP trip to Saint Simon's Island. The VIPs are my good friends and travel buddies. A few years ago we discovered that we must have been sisters separated at birth. We love all of the same, nature, animals of all kinds. We discovered that we were all low maintenance travel mates who could get up at the crack of dawn and spend hours combing the beach for treasures.  We can complete each others thoughts...sometimes we say it takes all of us to remember something!

We decided to give our little group a name and we chose the 'VIPS'  which stands for 'Vanishing Image Painters'.  Our goal is to travel and capture the landscape before it is developed and the beauty destroyed.  The funny thing is we rarely paint when we travel. Oh we bring all of our supplies with us but we spend most of our time taking pictures or just sitting and soaking it all in.  This time thought I am am bringing my oils and I am determined to get some painting done!

We are visiting St Simons Island off the Georgia Coast. We are staying in a little cottage on the marsh and a few blocks from the beach. Since we will not have internet access I will be taking another technology break. I have prepared posts for while I am away. These posts will be travelogues of some of the beautiful places the VIPS have traveled to. I hope you will continue to visit the blog and enjoy these places with me. I'll be home next Sunday.

Today's beautiful place is Kiawah Island, South Carolina. We went to Kiawah a couple of year's ago to attend a wonderful workshop with Stan Sperlak.  The painting above was done on the deck of the house we stayed at. Kiawah is a private island which is groomed and developed but with careful attention to leaving it look natural and pristine It is full of wildlife. If you ever have the chance to visit I highly recommend it!


  1. Hoping you have beautiful weather and a wonderful time. I'm envious.

  2. Gorgeous painting and wonderful group. That's so cool you met the others and formed the VIPs. That's important - there are so many gorgeous places that vanish as soon as you turn your back.

    This island painting is fantastic. The color harmony is shimmering and alive, very simple and powerful. I need to let myself use pink skies more often, they look so good!

  3. wow this place is really beautiful.Nice place to vesit. I ike to visit this place. Wont to know more about this.Petter Joe


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