
Sunday, June 24, 2012

Advice for Painting Loosely

'Summer Bouquet'        5x7        pastel          ©Karen Margulis  SOLD
"Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up." Picasso
 Paint with the fearlessness of a child.  I saw it this week with my summer art camp. I had four  nine year old girls for three days of art.  They took on each project with joy and they were not afraid of 'doing it the wrong way'.  Each child created work that was totally unique and free. They didn't worry about following the rules or painting something like someone else. They just let allowed themselves to create without restrictions.

The other evening in my adult pastel class we did the dusting technique. This technique is not for the perfectionist. You can't totally control the outcome only guide it. It is a perfect way to keep loose. One of the students commented that she found  the more she learned and the more classes she took, the tighter her work had become.  This happens often.  The more we know about painting and art concepts the more we slow down to think about everything we do in a painting.  This is a good thing but it often interferes with our spontaneity. We tighten up because we are afraid to take chances in case we aren't doing it 'the right way'.

We need to find a balance as we learn and grow in our painting knowledge. I try to do all of my thinking and planning before I start the painting so that I am free to be more intuitive as I paint.  I also make sure I set aside time to experiment and play with my materials rather than always trying to paint something 'good'.  Sometimes I think I am wasting time and not being productive but these play session help keep the child in me alive.  So go play with your paints today and paint with the fearlessness of a child!

If you would like to learn more about the dusting technique for pastels read my blog post on Dusting HERE


  1. Karen, once again your helpful tips are amazing! You tell us about methods and supplies and ALL sorts of things that you we never learn anywhere else! I love the dusting method and read every link you provided. Will try it tomorrow! And your suggestions about painting loose are so timely for me ... this is my biggest concern. I always over-think and over-work everything. Will keep this in mind when I paint tomorrow too! Thank you!!!

  2. This is beautiful Karen. The colors play off of each other and make the flowers dance! I check in every day - thanks for the daily inspiration.

  3. Thank you so much Michelle for your feedback. I really appreciate hearing when my posts are helpful! I am glad that you like my tips :) I hope you have fun trying the dusting technique!

  4. Thank you Karen! I am so glad to know I can offer some inspiration. Thanks for sharing your work with me too. You have done a great job and I hope you continue!! Practice is the key!!!

  5. What a wonderful piece of advice - paint with the fearlessness of a child and not try to be like anyone else, that is the only way to let your creativity flow surely!

  6. Great post, Karen. I always feel like I get something I need from your posts and from seeing your wonderful paintings. SO glad I have one of them! Really, your whole blog is awesome--if you ever wanted to write a book, I think your posts compiled into book form would be the next great art instruction/inspiration book of our time.

  7. Thanks for commenting Sharon! I appreciate you visiting my blog!

  8. Meredith, Thank you!!! I so appreciate your kind words. I enjoy sharing what I learn and maybe someday I will make my posts into a book. Thank you!!

  9. Ohhhh, please DO make your posts into a book! What a great idea! There is nothing informative like this out there for pastels ... it would sell a kazillion copies!

  10. Hmmmm Food for though Michelle! Thanks for your support!!


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