
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Have You Done a Creativity Cleanse?

'Pond View'      2.5 x 3.5     pastel      
It's time for a Creativity Cleanse.  And this week will be the perfect opportunity for me to try it.  I am headed to Florida with family to help remodel a park model trailer and to go to the beach.  I am not bringing any painting supplies and I may not even have internet access except through my phone.

So What is a Creativity Cleanse and why do I want to try it?  I came across the idea for a 7 step Creator's Creativity Cleanse on It is intended for writer's with writer's block but I think it is a great idea for any creative person.  I don't have a block but I do have the opposite with an overload of ideas and paintings I want to try.  I really need a brain dump so I can refocus my energy and give myself some times for my ideas to gel.

'Southwest Dreams'       2.5 x 3.5       pastel
The idea of the Creativity Cleanse is to find a way to get reenergize and recharge your creative juices. The goal is to make sure that your body, mind and soul are nourished and to allow enough time to rest and recharge. At least a week is recommended.  I won't detail all of the 7 steps. I encourage you to read the original post on Copyblogger . Here is a list of the 7 steps to give you an idea.

  1. Go technology free (I will be checking email and I do have posts prepared)
  2. Read something good (a real book!)
  3. Eat real food
  4. Drink lots of water
  5. Move your body
  6. Meditate
  7. Rest (nap)
You can keep your notebook handy to jot down ideas but take a break from actual painting.  I am looking forward to some downtime with my family and my camera. I'll report on how it goes when I get back!

I do have posts lined up for the week so be sure to visit even though I will be away.

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