
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Love New Mexico? Check Out this Blog

'The Overlook'             8x10      pastel          ©Karen Margulis
purchase here $145
I love New Mexico. Last year at this time we were getting our home ready to sell so we could move to New Mexico. Our plans changed and my husband got a new job so we cancelled the move. I still dream about doing it someday. But for now I will have to be content to visit and make paintings.

That is why I am excited to be included in a new blog started by a wonderful artist Dee Sanchez. The blog is called 'Let's Paint New Mexico' and it will showcase the work of many great artists with ties to New Mexico. There will be a monthly challenge to the artists and their resulting paintings will be posted on the blog. This month tthe first challenge was to paint from a photo of the view of the Rio Chama on the way to Abiqui.  I remember stopping here with my friends Jayne and Holly on one of our great adventure trips.

Here we are at the overlook in 2009
We went to the IAPS (pastel) convention and then spent time wandering around Northern New Mexico. What a wonderful and inspiring trip!  We hope to do it again next summer. Thank goodness the IAPS convention is always in gives me a good reason to go back!

I invite you to visit the new blog and enjoy the paintings!  Let's Paint New Mexico

About this painting:  This is an 8x10 pastel on Uart paper. I began with a gouache underpainting using warm oranges and reds. I wanted this desert color to peek through my pastels. Here is the underpainting.

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