
Saturday, August 04, 2012

Have You Tried a 10 Minute Painting Yet?

'White Puffy Clouds'        5x7       pastel        purchase with paypal here $45
It has been a month since I posted my 10 minute paintings. Since then I have presented this idea to three groups of students. Each time we all have learned something new and some have even had real breakthroughs! I wanted to share some new insights and perhaps inspire you to try some 10 minute paintings of your own.

'Yellow Bushes'              5x7        pastel
 In my post last month my focus was on how 10 minute paintings can help you loosen up. Read that post HERE. All three of my groups did paint with more freedom and their paintings were definitely more painterly. But there is another very good reason for fitting some 10 minute paintings into your routine. It adds to your painting mileage with a small amount of time invested.

'Musical Marsh'                 5x7            pastel
 We all have heard that it takes miles of canvas (lots of paintings) before your skills catch up with you vision. Many of us just don't have a lot of time to practice our painting skills. We may go to classes or workshops but we don't always make time to practice. Practice is the key to being a confident painter. The more you paint the more everything you study starts to make sense.
10 minute paintings or as I call them studies, are very doable. It isn't hard to fit in 10 or 20 minutes to paint. If you set a timer and stop after 10 minutes you will be surprised at just hw much you can say in a short period of time.
The paintings in today's post were 10 minute studies done as demos for my classes.

Go ahead and set a timer and do a 10 minute painting. In a month from now I will check back in with another 10 minute painting update!

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