'Morning Visitors' 6x8 pastel plein air |
I started with the oils. I was drawn to the reflections in the creek. It was very calm and mirror-like. The colors of the grasses and trees at this time of year have been spectacular! I used a limited palette of Ultramarine Blue, Cad Yellow Medium, Alizarin Crimson and White.
After I finished the oil painting I thought why not try the same scene in pastel? After all my box of pastels was sitting on the table. So I taped a piece of Canson paper on a piece of foamcore and set it up on my easel. It was quick and easy to take the pastels out and do another painting.
This was a good exercise to see which medium worked best for plein air....so what do I think?
'November Marsh' 6x8 oil on panel |
So with limited equipment it was just as easy to set up and oil palette as it was to open my small box of pastels. Some of the supplies I used for both....tape, wipes, paper towels. Clean up is also equal. I do give oils a slight edge as being cleaner though. I love pastels but I am not fond of dusty fingers (or gloves)
I think it will boil down to what I am in the mood for and what look I am after. After switching back and forth between oils and pastels this week I think I am going to have to bring both in my travels. I will be doing a post with more details on both set-ups.
What is your favorite medium for plein air?
Karen-both are gorgeous! The oranges and reflections are just beautiful!