
Friday, September 27, 2013

Stan Sperlak Workshop Report...Return to Crow Creek

'Return to Crow Creek'. 8x10. Pastel

It was great to be back to Crow Creek Farm. Stan started the workshop at 8:00 am with a demo and talk on the deck of his barn. We were then off to paint where we wanted on the farm. Stan encouraged us to paint at least three small studies before lunch. He had asked about painting what you love but this was hard for me because so much spoke to me! I decided to start with the goldenrods. I did 6 small paintings in the morning. I was so energized!

After lunch Stan fielded questions from our morning of painting and did another demo. He showed us a technique on painting dark trees over a sky without making mud. In this photo you can see his morning lesson demos plus the painting he did before we arrived. He is working on the afternoon demo.

In the afternoon the clouds started rolling in. I liked it because it made the sky more dramatic. It also made the temperature cooler. It was hot in the sun this morning! I decided to head down to the marsh with Sharon. Stan wanted everyone to start something new and to continue painting smaller quick studies. Sharon and I decided to do a few 5 minute studies. We painted fast and furiously and it was great fun! I'll share all of the paintings in another post. The painting in today's post is the 8x10 I did at the end of the day,

In the evening we headed to Cape May where Stan gave us a tour of his show at the SOMA Gallery. It was awesome to see so much of his beautiful work in person and to hear him discuss it. We finished with a great dinner with the group. We'll be up early for another full day!



  1. Living vicariously ... thanks. You do such a great job of painting ... and then the blog, awesome and priceless!

  2. Thanks Marsha! It has been wonderful! You would so enjoy Crow Creek and this whole area!


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