
Wednesday, September 25, 2013

There is No Ugly...Day 3 Fall Adventure

'Everything is Beautiful'. 5x7. Plein air Pastel

How long does it take to drive 8 miles? If you are like us it could take hours. Today it took us 5 hours to drive the loop in the Edwin B Forsythe National Wildlife Refuge which is near Atlantic City,NJ. It was a picture perfect day with blue skies, wispy clouds and a light breeze . The scenery was amazing. The colors and textures of the grasses and Fall wildflowers were simply stunning. My camera never stopped until at one point I just had to take out my pastels and paint my 5x7 daily.

The marsh and ponds were teeming with birds. We lost count of the egrets and herons. And you couldn't ask for a more wonderful backdrop than the colors of the September marsh. In this photo the Snowy egret kept trying to pass the White egret. He finally managed! They were so entertaining.

We ended the day with a seafood dinner and a tip for a great sunset spot. The dinner was ok but the tip was worth every penny . We got there just in time for an incredible sunset over the bay. Our thought for the day....we could find no ugly! I can't wait for tomorrow's adventure!




  1. Wow! Gorgeous photos and painting. I love the egrets.

    I know that feeling, can't find no ugly! That's where I live now, one of the many reasons I love San Francisco.

  2. Your use of pastel is really terrific. I love seeing through the paint.


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