
Saturday, October 12, 2013

New Digital Demo Available...Painting an Autumn Marsh

'A September to Remember'           8x10         pastel        ©Karen Margulis

The Autumn Marsh inspires me. Visiting the Edwin Forsythe National Wildlife Refuge in September was one of the highlights of my recent trip to NJ.  It inspired the painting that I used for my latest digital download.  I am pleased to share my latest detailed demo in PDF format now available in my Etsy shop. 
This demo has it all....Autumn marsh grasses, blue sky with clouds, wildflowers, water.  I use 35 photos to illustrate my approach from an alcohol wash value block in to the finishing touches. I include a larger reference photo and floe up photos of my pastel palette if you'd like to follow along.

a screen shot of the booklet
If you haven't had a chance to try one of my digital download demos I invite you to have a look at them in my Etsy shop. They can be viewed on your computer or printed out and stapled into a booklet. I am excited to have found a way to share a more detailed demo with you. I have shared mini demos here on the blog but these PDF booklets give me room to share more photos and more detailed step by step narratives.

I offer a the following demos: Painting animals, Using a turpenoid wash underpainting, A landscape with Green. See them all in my etsy shop here.

I share some of the techniques I use for painting grasses

My easel and pastel palette for this painting
Now I am off to Pawleys Island for a week of painting the marshes! Stay tuned for my trip reports!

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