
Monday, March 17, 2014

IAPS 2015.....How to Paint Wildflowers in the Landscape demo preview

'Coming in for a Landing'          12x12         pastel             ©Karen Margulis
I've been buzzing ever since I got the word that I will be presenting two programs at the next IAPS convention!  I am thrilled to have the opportunity to share with my fellow pastelists. I have attended the last three conventions and have learned so much from the demos and workshops I took. It is always so much fun to spend a few days immersed in all things pastels. I highly recommend planning to attend this next convention. Here are some details:

What: International Association of Pastel Societies (IAPS) 11th Biennial Convention
When: June 2-7 2015
Where:  Albuquerque, NM at the Hotel Albuquerque at Old Town

I will be presenting two programs at the convention. Here are the preliminary details with more information to come:
-  a 3 hour seminar:  An Artist's Guide to Blogging  all about starting & maintaining an art blog
-  a 3 hour demo:      Wildflowers in the Landscape. This will be a demo packed full of my favorite tips and techniques for creating authentic and natural looking flowers in the landscape...both close up and distant views. 

I will be sharing more details about both programs but just wanted to share my news and give you a sneak peak at my process for painting Queen Anne's Lace. My demo will include a Queen Annes Lace painting! 
 There is plenty of time to start planning and saving for a trip to Albuquerque in 2015!  IAPS is an experience you will not want to miss!

watercolor underpainitng on mounted uart paper
This is a 12 x 12 painting on mounted Uart paper. I began with a watercolor underpainting and used my Terry Ludwig greens and Great American pastels. click on any photo to enlarge.


close up photo of bees
I hope you enjoyed this mini demo. If you would like to see a more detailed step by step demo of a watercolor underpainting and wildflower painting see my pdf demo download here.  Or make plans to see my demo at IAPS 2015!


  1. Anonymous5:13 PM

    Hi Karen...i'm just loving your blog...and i especially love when i click on the link and you've just posted!!

    How exciting to be presenting at such a prestigious affair...i wish i lived closer!!!

    your demo here is is so helpful to see the various stages.

    i should also mention that i have been totally inspired to create a mini traveling art's kit....just like yours!!! i'm heading to Cuba on wednesday and plan to some painting under that amazing blue sky!

    Thanks so much for your ability to share this wonderful information!
    cheers, Linda

  2. I love this painting and your pictures of your progress were very interesting. I am so amazed how you post a painting every day. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Anonymous9:54 AM

    Congratulations Karen! This and ALL of your paintings are so gorgeous. I would love to attend the next IAPS convention... :) For some reason the search button does not work (for me!) on your blog. I was trying to see if you've ever done any pussy willows? Can you direct me? Thank you for your help EVERYDAY! :)T

  4. Wow! I love this painting and the way you successfully captured the laciness of the flowers. The bees are so natural and solid too. You've got the freshness of the scene and it's not overworked.

    I'm amazed at how you do this. Really do need to study it and very tempted by that PDF demo!

    As for IAPS... oh I hope I can get off SSI and get ahead enough to make it to IAPS some year. It might take my getting a windfall to do it, but it's conceivable. It's part of my dream of success and has been for years. Every year I look at the program and it's motivational.

    Not a lot of chance for 2015 but that really depends on how the books do. I hope you'll have someone record your demos and make them available as videos though!

  5. Anonymous2:54 PM

    How exciting--for you and your future students. Your wildflowers are some of my favorite paintings.

  6. Anonymous5:08 PM

    Sigh...a whole year away! How can I wait?

    I'm going to make a point of attending you demo...hopefully both.

    Love your work!

  7. I live in Denver and would love to attend the convention in New Mexico next June. Is it open to anyone, or do I need to join the IAPS? I will keep looking at the IAPS website for information and cost. Thanks for sharing your work, Fran

  8. Hi Frances! I would love to meet you at IAPS next June. I'm not positive if you need to be a member but you can join any pastel society and most are not that expensive to join and well worth it!


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