
Monday, May 11, 2015

A Quick and Easy Storage Solution for Finished Pastels

'May Poppies'             2.5 x 3.5            pastel             ©Karen Margulis
 I wasn't going to bring them. We were headed to the lake for Mother's Day and I decided I wasn't bringing pastels. I had a book. I planned to sit in the sun and visit with my family. There would be no time to paint.  Or would there?  There is always a chance!

Has it happened to you? If you don't bring painting supplies then you end up with plenty of time and opportunities to paint?  I decided to bring pastels after all.  Just in case.  It was very easy to do now that I have a Heilman single sketchbox. I just threw it in my beach bag along with a plastic envelope of small reference photos and pre-cut 2.5x3.5 inch papers. I needed a way to store the finished paintings. I quickly made a mini notepad which worked like a charm!

'May Meadows'            2.5 x 3.5           $25
I was happy to have my pastels because we did have some downtime after lunch. It was the perfect opportunity to take a break from the sun and set up my box under cover. I managed to paint 5 mini pastels before the wind picked up. It was a relaxing and productive way to spend the afternoon.

An easy way to protect finished mini pastels
My little notepad worked very well. It was easy to slip the finished painting in between the sheets of paper. It was easy to make.

  • I used a 3" wide strip of card stock for the cover. 
  • I then cut about 10 sheets of paper to fit. I folded the bottom of the cardstock up over the white paper and stapled them together. 
  • I then folded the rest of the cardstock over the paper to make a 'matchbook' cover.
These little notepads can be made to any size. I plan to make some more!

The Heilman single sketch box in action on the houseboat

1 comment:

  1. Back at home, we do not have any proper storage for our paintings as we do not do it regularly. We simply roll the masterpieces up and tie them up together with a string or a rubber band. However, for those nicer ones, we try to frame them and hang them up for everyone to appreciate around the house.


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