
Sunday, May 31, 2015

Make Time for Play

'Poppy Explosion'             5x7             pastel             ©Karen Margulis
There is a lot to do to get ready for a 6 week absence. Of course there is the packing and preparing for my presentations, demos and workshops. There is also a lot to do to get my studio in order. I have one day before I head to New Mexico and the grand adventure begins. Today I spent time packing and organizing my studio. I won't want to come home to a disaster!

I made a fun discovery though. I found an older painting that I have always loved. It was one of those playful happy accident paintings. I reminder the day I created it. I had a full palette of watercolor still wet from a painting session. Instead of cleaning to I decided to play with it. I loaded the brush with paint and splattered it on a piece of Uart paper. Big colorful blobs of paint covered the paper.
Then I lifted the paper and let the paint run.

When it was dry I imagined what it could be.....poppies of course! Very colorful and playful poppies. It was a fun experiment. I am glad I found this painting. It reminds me that it is important to just let go and play sometimes!

1 comment:

  1. Oh this came out fun! Your joy in the moment came through in every stroke. I had to grin as soon as I saw the painting. It's poppies but the shapes in the upper left background also remind me of party balloons, kid's party balloons, the cheap ones parents blow up till they gasp. And the overall feel of it like firecrackers. It's figurative but also a profoundly successful abstract of the cloud-staring kind, one that just brings up associations and memories, stimulates imagination!

    One of your best!

    Do you ever get tired of my saying that? I think it's just your pace of growth, you constantly renew yourself and grow as an artist. I know I say it a lot, but that's your rhythm. Past the point of being able to tolerate my own work, I get "best ever" moments too and they are always a joy even if next month or next year something else outshines them.

    Also personal taste, you've given me a great love of poppies. I get the bright orange little California ones all the time at the clinic garden - maybe I'll try to sit on the ground and paint one this Wednesday if the weather's good.


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