
Monday, June 29, 2015

Hello Sweden....The Painting Adventure Continues


'Evening Comes Late'. 5x7. Pastel. Karen Margulis

I had no plans and no expectations. Sometimes it is more fun that way. I decided to come to Sweden to visit my friend Riley. She has been wanting to show me Sweden and possibly host a future workshop here. I told her to surprise me with our itinerary. The first day has been amazing!

We are renting a house in the countryside near Lund. It is picture perfect and a great place to paint. I shot a video tour of the home which I will post tomorrow. Here is one of our neighhhhhbors.(I couldn't resist)

This morning we drove to Lund to check out the art store. I love exploring art stores in other countries! They are dangerous though! I can never resist a few unique goodies. I bought a beautiful coloring book and brush markers, a pale yellow unison pastel and a limited edition tin of Conte sticks.

We walked for 5 miles around the downtown area stopping for some salmon soup. Yumm! After a full morning we headed back to the house to paint. I set up outside and started a quick demo for Riley. I was almost finished when it began to rain. We quickly moved into the mud room where we kept painting!

Tomorrow we will head out at 9:00 and our destination will be a surprise. I can't wait!

Today's painting is a familiar motif for me but with the added magic of Sweden mixed in. This was the view out the window around 9:00 pm.



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