
Sunday, June 07, 2015

IAPS Convention Report Day 5

                                                   'Believe'.             24x36.             Pastel

What a day!  Saturday was a day filled with anticipation, excitement and joy! I had been preparing for my demo on painting Wildflowers in the landscape for months. The day of the demo had arrived and I was excited. I was surprised that I wasn't nervous. I was more anxious about getting the room set up in time! 

                                         This is the handout folder for my demo

I was thrilled to share my passion for painting wildflowers and was happy to have a full house of 44 artists. The demo was three hours long so I decided to do three paintings each demonstrating a different aspect of wildflowers in the landscape. 

Here I am starting the first demo which was a meadow filled with poppies. I am explaining something about the block in stage. 

This is the second demo. I was painting a close up of some daisies. I did a watercolor underpainting for this demo. 

This is my final demo. It is a big one....24x36 on Pastelbord. I painted quickly to music (about 25 minutes) to demonstrate my most important message...."make a plan....then plan to let go"

The aftermath! What a great time with a wonderful group of artists! And the day got even better. In the evening I was inducted into the Masters Circle of IAPS along with a fabulous group of talented artists! The whole week was a dream come true for me.

I want to thank all of the wonderful artists and blog followers that I met at the convention. It was amazing to meet you all. I appreciate your support!



  1. Congrats! Masters circle is well deserved, as you are a master!

  2. Thanks so much for sharing your experience! I hope to be able to go next year (and participate in your workshops)!

  3. Congratulations, Karen! You deserve it! I'm still looking forward to the day when I can take one of your workshops!

  4. Congratulations Karen!


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