
Thursday, June 04, 2015

Live from IAPS Day Three

'Back to Albuquerque '.  2.5x3.5.   Pastel

I said I wasn't going to do it. But I couldn't help it. This morning the trade show opened and I found a few pastels that needed me! 

Also known as the Candy Store, the trade show is a pastelist's dream come true. Three rows full of our favorite vendors are a feast for the senses. Of course everyone loves the Terry Ludwig booth. Imagine filling a box with any color you want! I'll fill mine tomorrow.

Today I found a gorgeous box of Unison pastels that I had to add to my collection. I can't wait to try them!

The trade show is also a great place to watch some free demos. Several of the vendors have artists doing demos. Here is a shot of Marsha Savage painting and talking with visitors to the Terry Ludwig booth.
Tonight is the Paint-Around and welcome buffet. Tomorrow morning is my blogging seminar. stay tuned! Here is a shot of my goodies!


  1. Oooh nice goodies! I'm drooling at those Unisons. What a sumptuous color range. What are those dark earth-tone square pan things, is that something you can apply dry? Interesting big brush. Cool they gave you a neat Uart shopping bag. Yay for a handy pack of Uart too. I love that surface, it's one of my favorites.

    Purr and thanks for all the photos!

  2. You must be in heaven with all those pastels! I would love to be there in the midst of all that talent! I would be gawking at all the famous artists , including you of course. I'm very excited that I was juried in to a national show! Sally Strand was the jurist, thank you Sally.
    Have fun, can't wait to hear all about it!

  3. Thank you for posting photos and sharing the IAPS experience! Almost like being there !

  4. I really love this little painting, especially that band of blue!


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