
Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Painter's Passport France Expedition...More Painting and Exploring

'Road to the Wheat Fields'. 5x7. Pastel. Karen Margulis

It was another full day int the countryside of Normandy. We woke up to sunshine and the sounds of roosters and cows. After breakfast Stan did a morning demo. The topic of the demo was painting to measure and how to suggest.

The morning was ours to paint what we wanted around the property and town. We were supposed to include buildings. I painted the wash house and then worked by way toward the wheat fields.

After lunch it was time for some exploring. We are very close to the D-Day Beaches of Normandy. Since we have 4 Canadians in our group we visited Juno Beach first. I took a walk on the beach.

Next we went to Omaha Beach and the American Cemetary. It was incredibly moving.

The day ended with a stop at the town of Bayeux. We were on our own for dinner and We ended up having a sandwich on the best baguette ever. I was disappointed that the patisserie was closed. We'll be going back before the end of the week.




1 comment:

  1. Really enjoying these posts from France and your plein air paintings: Lovely! This is exactly the type of painting vacation I hope to take someday.


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