
Friday, June 26, 2015

Painter's Passport France Expedition....Wheat Fields and the Sea

'Cliff side Beauty'. 5x7. Pastel. Karen Margulis

Beauty is everywhere. There is so much to paint right around us that we all opted to stay local again. So we painted all day. We began with an early morning demo by Stan. We had a couple of hours to paint on our own. I chose to paint the wheat fields. I did several studies. I wanted to paint as many studies as I could!


One of my morning paintings

After lunch it was my turn to demo. I did a painting of the wheat fields from one of my morning studies. I demonstrated an alcohol wash. It was a lot of fun to share again. The day continued back at the beach. This time we set up on some cliffs. I painted 4 studies of this beautiful area.

After a wonderful dinner back at our home we took another great walk through the wheat fields. Here are a few photos from the walk.




1 comment:

  1. The title didn't excite me - wheat fields? Wow. The photos and paintings were so much more beautiful than I expected! I was used to Midwestern farming, where you can go miles and not see a building or a tree, just flat fields stretching away endless to the horizon. Love those shapely tree clusters and the way you captured the side of the wheat field. These are fantastic! Enjoy your trip!

    Loved the sight of your setup again too. Lots of pastels in that little case!


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