
Thursday, June 11, 2015

Plein Air Poppies...a Change of Plans

'Richard's Poppies'. 5x7. Pastel. Karen Margulis

I had a great plan. I wanted to paint the poppies in the gardens at Casa Gallina. I needed to wait for the morning light. I staked out the perfect spot last evening and waited patiently. After breakfast I grabbed my painting gear and headed to the garden. But my spot was a truck! Our casita was having some work done and my painting spot was now a parking spot.

I needed another plan. I was determined to paint the poppies in the morning light so I had to find another point of view. I had just the plan. I brought a small folding easel but not my tripod so I needed somewhere to put my pastel box. The ground would have to make due.

I set up my easel in tabletop mode and spread out my supplies on the ground. ( note to self: pack a piece of vinyl tablecloth to use on wet, rocky or dirty ground) It was the perfect spot. I had a clear view of two magnificent groups of poppies. I was in poppy heaven!

Sadly, we have to leave this wonderful place tomorrow. We are headed back to Albuqurque. On Saturday I will do a demo for the Pastel Society of New Mexico and then we head back home to Georgia.

If you are looking for an an amazing place to stay in Taos, New Mexico treat yourself to a stay at Casa Gallina. It is truly an artist's paradise. We spent four days here and rarely left the property. It is such a beautiful and peaceful spot!

Paintings available in my Etsy shop




  1. Tim Moore8:37 AM

    Improvise!!. you must have some Marine in you..also pack a small inflatable to sit on?...great texture..what paper did you use?..

  2. Thanks Tim! This is on Pastelmat!

  3. Love these poppy paintings! I laughed when I read your blog because the exact same thing has happened to me!


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