
Sunday, June 14, 2015

The End of a Great Adventure


'Home Away From Home'. 5x7. Pastel. Karen Margulis

It's been a wonderful whirlwind of a trip but as they say all good things must come to an end. Today It ended on a high note with a demo for the Pastel Society of New Mexico. What a fantastic and welcoming group! Because of the demo I needed to stay in New Mexico after the IAPS convention. I certainly was happy to stay longer!

I have been sharing some of my paintings and stories of our adventure and today's post is all about the girls of Casa Gallina. What would a stay here be without the chickens! When we arrived we were greeted with treats and a dozen fresh eggs.

Each morning we cooked a delicious breakfast of scrambled eggs and sourdough toast. It was the perfect way to start the day.

Of course we had to give back to the girls so every morning we brought over a bowl of table scraps. The girls came running! They especially loved our watermelon rinds.

There will be chicken and rooster paintings! It has been a fantastic two weeks in New Mexico!



  1. Sounds wonderful! What a great trip. Cool chicken photos, looking forward to your hen and rooster paintings!

  2. Anonymous10:06 AM

    Your demo for the pastel society on Saturday was fantastic!! It was just the jump start I needed to remind me how to be a painter. Did my first daily painting on Sunday. Do you do the plan thumbnail sketch, and select your box of colors for your daily paintings? K. from Santa Fe

    1. Thank you K! I'm glad you enjoyed the demo. Great question. Sometimes I do the thumbnail and choose the pastels but often I just play. They are like warm ups!


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