
Tuesday, July 21, 2015

A Sneak Peek at New Pastel Paper

'Summer Fields'           5 x 9.5           pastel               ©Karen Margulis
purchase painting on Etsy $75
This is just a tease. I don't know anything about it really. I don't know when it will be available. All I know is I was offered the opportunity to try a piece and I happily accepted. I returned home from my trip to find a 9x11 sheet of this new paper in the mail pile.

If you love Uart paper and you like working on a black surface then prepare to be excited!

Uart 400 in black
I first heard about the new paper at IAPS in June. Uart was hoping to have some samples to share but the shipment didn't arrive. (or if it did I missed it) It is a black version of the regular Uart sanded paper.  

I am still not unpacked but I had to get into the studio and put my sample to the test. To get more mileage from my sample I decided to cut it in half. Today Im sharing the first painting. For subject matter I selected two of the mini pastel paintings I did in France. I chose them because of the bright pop of color in them. I thought that this color would appear even more vibrant on the black paper.

And it did!  The sample I had was Uart 400 grit which is my favorite. It performed the same as regular Uart paper. I used a variety of Terry Ludwig and Unison pastels.
 I will plan on doing a more in depth review as soon as the paper becomes available. If I get any more information I will be sure to pass it on here. This is just a tease!

the start of painting #1

my mini pastel 2.5 x 3.5 was the inspiration for today's painting 


  1. Looks great! When it's available, hope to try it. Thanks as always for the info.

  2. Great painting, love the color pop! Wow! Black UART! Oh I can see I'm going to need that in all the grits. I love Uart, it's become my new favorite. I love using black papers. They could not have done better than to come up with black UART! Wow! Purr!

    You have me drooling now! Even if they only make it in 400, I'll want it. My hope is that this will take off, they'll de it in all the grits and explore having a colors range as well as grits range. Next color to be good would be a russet or red oxide color, that rust range that's so good under green landscapes!


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