
Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Last Days in Finland


'Morning at the Summer House'. 8x10. Pastel. Karen Margulis

Time has passed quickly yet has also stood still. Our four day workshop passed in a blink of the eye yet we felt like we were together as friends for a long time. It was sad to say goodbye to new friends. I had decided to stay on for a couple of days. I'm glad I did. It gave me a chance to slowly unwind before starting the trek back to the U.S. By train and plane.

We mostly sat at the table in the summer house and watched the sea. It changed constantly. It would be as smooth as glass one minute and deep blue and choppy the next. We watched for the swans and duck families to swim into the cove. We talked art and exchanged ideas. We listened to Finnish music and drank coffee....lots of coffee.

I will be traveling home over the next two days and I will have time to reflect on my adventures and write down my thoughts. My regular blog posting will resume with a more detailed look at my trip and the logistics of traveling and painting for a month. Stay tuned!



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