
Saturday, August 01, 2015

Food and Friends....Impressions of France part 8

'On the Way to Normandy'             6x8           pastel           ©Karen Margulis
purchase painting here $75
It was billed as a painting expedition. The artists who join a Painter's Passport trip can expect to make forever memories. Yes we paint and work on becoming better artists. But we also explore and get to know the country we visit. We live as locals and cooking our own local foods.

In the end it probably won't be the paintings I did that I will most remember. It will be the friendships I made.  They will forever color my memories of my trip to France. We came together as strangers for the most part (some of us were alumni from other PP trips) but in 10 short days we left as good friends.

Bonds were made through art. We supported one another, painted together, learned together. Bonds were also formed over food. What would a French trip report be without mentioning food!

Our welcome to Normandy dinner
I enjoyed my meals in Paris though jet lag prevented me from fully indulging. When we arrived in Normandy, Stan had reserved a room in a wonderful little seaside restaurant. It was amazing. The food was delicious and it was truly fine art.

My selection was awesome!
Meals were taken together in our big house. It was often a group effort with some wonderful food prepared. I thoroughly enjoyed the plentiful baguettes and croissants! It is always fun to discover new and different foods.

Cory and Frances cook a big breakfast for the gang

Gathering around the table for lunch
We were lucky that the weather cooperated for the most part for the workshop part of the trip. We did have one rainy day and we painted inside but otherwise the weather was great for painting....not too hot or windy or buggy! If anything it was a little chilly at times. We enjoyed the area around our house so much that we decided to forgo a day trip to stay home and paint!  

Stan leads the group...learning how to see and become better painters

My turn...after lunch entertainment!
Food and friends. This is the stuff that make for the best memories. Our 10 days in France went by quickly but there were days where time seemed to stand still. These moments I savored. I was fully present and will always remember the sweetness.

Special friends
One in a million

Chocolat at Mont St Michel

The best pastry ever!

Canadian friends enjoying a Paris breakfast

I hope you have enjoyed my trip report of France. After 10 days we returned to Paris and the Charles de Gaulle airport. My adventure was not yet over though. I was on my way to Sweden! My report on Sweden will continue after a short beach break! Stay tuned!

Make time to paint this summer! Save 25% on my digital demo PDFs this week only. Paint along with me in these step by step demos. Available in my Etsy shop. See them all here.

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