
Friday, August 07, 2015

Painting a Sunset with Pastels

Sunsets are a challenge. Conditions have to be right. Timing has to work out. Patience helps because often the most beautiful colors happen after the sun goes down. All this week we have been on sunset patrol at the beach. Every evening we head over to our beach,blanket and cameras and Greta in tow. Every evening we are treated to a different show.

Painting a sunset is a different matter. Is it even possible to capture the colors, the light and the magic of a sunset? The challenge is to make a believable and authentic painting, avoiding the cliche image. Often sunsets are better left as photos or just memories....moments in time. But that doesn't stop me from trying!
Yesterday I took a break from the beach to take out my pastels. I brought along my Heilman single sketchbox. It was the perfect set up for a beach trip. Just enough supplies to have for a quick painting. I set up at the dining table and painted from my camera. This set up is also perfect for plein air....(I call it plein air lite and we will be doing a lot of it on the Art Cruise in February.)
I was happy to have the right pastels for this sunset in my little box. I think there should be a series....7 sunsets! Stay tuned!

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