
Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Art Inspiration from Finland

'The View from the Summer House'             5x7             oil on panel             ©Karen Margulis
purchase painting on Etsy $95
 Was it Finland that inspired me to pick up a paintbrush? Annika was right. Finland and my new friend Heidi had something to do with my new adventure with oils. Heidi Hjort was one of the Finnish artists who took my workshop this past summer. She wanted to join us but she painted with oils. I was happy to have her join the group. After all oils and pastels are very close related and she would hopefully still learn something.

The evening view

In the end, as it always is, we all learned from one another. It was an amazing experience. A multicultural potpourri of art spirits from Finland, Sweden, Germany, England and the US. We were hosted with warmth and great care by Annika Ostman....a fantastic artist and now friend, at her summer house in Asklat, Finland.

The summer house sat at the edge of the Baltic Sea and provided an always changing view. I painted the view many times and I know it will become one of my favorite motifs much like the marshes of Stan Sperlak's Crow Creek. More on the workshop and the summer house tomorrow.

Heidi and Satu painting at the summer house

What did Heidi have to do with me picking up a paintbrush? She was that little push that told me I needed to try it again. She was painting lovely work and seemed to be so in tune with the paintbrush. I wanted to experience that as well. I have done 4 daily paintings so far and I have a long way to go but I will always remember my special time in Finland and the effect it has had on my art spirit. Tack Annika and Heidi! (and all of the wonderful artists in our group!)

Heidi writes a wonderful art blog and I invite you to check it out. Today she shares a post about one of her favorite artists, Bato Dugarzhapov. Check out her blog and the links to Bato's work: 

hard at work...summer 2015

1 comment:

  1. ChrisD2:24 PM

    I lost track of Heidi's blog after my own Wordpress blog got hijacked some months back and I never restarted it or remade the links. I remember her saying that she was going to do a Karen Margulis workshop, so I'm grateful for you placing her link here. Now I can keep tabs on both of you! :)


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