
Monday, November 16, 2015

How to Store and Display Mini Pastel Paintings

'Fall Fantasy 13'              2.5 x 3.5         pastel          ©Karen Margulis
Mini Week continues with a look at how to store and display these wonderful little gems. I am sharing an older post with some new paintings. Enjoy!

I admit it. I am a paintaholic. I paint for the sake of creating. I am compelled to take up my pastels everyday and paint something. Once they are finished I am ready to move on to the next one. It is the process of creating that interests me not the final product. Having a good painting is certainly the ultimate goal but the fun is in the journey to get there.  Every once in awhile I become attached to a particular painting but for the most part I am happy to share them with others or hide them away in boxes. 
 I love painting these miniature pastels. They force me to simplify and I learn so much from doing them. They are also very relaxing to paint which is why I like to paint them while on vacation!  I encourage you to try to paint a few minis!

The official rule for these minis often called ATC (Artist Trading Cards) or ACEO's (Art Cards Editions and Originals) is that they measure 2.5x3.5 inches. That's it. They are actually quite easy to store and display. It is a great way to add a touch of original art to your space. And they make wonderful gifts.

Last year I made a You Tube video on storing and displaying these mini pastels so I thought it would be a good time to share it again!  Enjoy the video and paint some minis today!



  1. Excellent tips, Karen. Thanks so much!!! I've always loved your work.
    Laura Balboni Craciun

  2. Oh these are beautiful! Great video and you have my personal testimonial to the packaging. My mini is on the wall in the packaging you sent, secure until I cut the window mat and mount it to frame it.

    Photos do no do justice to how deep and rich these are in person or how small some marks become. They're incredible!


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