
Saturday, January 16, 2016

Underpainting Choices ...Pastel Demo

'Wide Open Spaces'           12x12          pastel         ©Karen Margulis
The choices may seem daunting but it really doesn't have to be complicated. It all begins with a few questions and a bit of planning. I have been giving underpainting a lot of thought lately as I prepare my new workshop theme on the underpainting for pastels. I am excited about my ideas and I am working on a couple of different ways to share them with you.

Today I am in Chicago visiting family so I am posting a step by step demo I painted a couple of weeks ago. The underpainting is an alcohol wash with pastel. My concept was to create both warmth and depth. I selected the warm colors to peek through and add sunlight to the landscape I selected the cool blue to push back the distant landmass. I am planning to post my 'underpainting thoughts' for each new pastel painting that I post . Enjoy the step by step photos and be sure to click on a photo to enlarge it.

1 comment:

  1. Cool topic. I love alcohol wash underpaintings. They get jazzy and color choices in them stay close to the dry colors when they peek through. You're also a watercolorist so your wash underpaintings with drips are a different look, one you use deliberately. Alcohol wash can be used in purist competitions though where they'd be fussy about use of other media. It's still pastels!


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