
Friday, February 19, 2016

Another Day to Paint in the Snow


I came to Crested Butte with no plans. Unusual for me. I just knew I wanted to see snow and mountains and aspens. I almost didn't take my pastels! Thank goodness for the portability of my Heilman sketchbox. I threw it in my bag at the last hour. I'm glad I did because I couldn't have known I'd meet a fellow pastelist who wanted to go out painting!


Becky is a Facebook friend who saw I was in town and and invited me out for coffee. We had a wonderful visit and made plans to get together to paint. She took me to a beautiful spot which had amazing 360 views right from our parking spot. I had to laugh when she said we should walk down the road for better views!

I found a solid snow bank to set down my box. Luckily my case is semi waterproof. I remembered my wipes this time! There was ice and snow everywhere so without an easel I just held my little board and painted standing up!


We head home tomorrow after a wonderful time. Not only did I get to paint I thoroughly enjoyed working on my sketchbook which is something I've been wanting to do! More on this later! 

1 comment:

  1. Becky Chappell7:11 PM

    These are so great! I totally got in my own way today but loved being out with you and will have lots more chances since I plan on getting outside to paint alot!


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