
Thursday, February 09, 2017

#Painttime2017 The Project Continues

'Spring Lace'         8x10      pastel       ©Karen Margulis
available $145
I am still working on my project!  Last month I started a project for 2017 which I called #Painttime2017. The idea was to choose a favorite subject and paint it once per week for the year. The painting could be any media or any style. It didn't have to be the same reference photo just the same subject. Fir example someone is doing a series on barns. Another artist chose bird nests for her subject. I chose my favorite wildflower: Queen Annes Lace. So far I have done 5 QA Lace paintings this year. I am sharing one of them today.

A Dry wash underpainting on Uart paper
I am starting the series by painting the flowers in every season. This is my Spring version. I did find a patch of QA Lace just starting to bloom in a parking lot late last spring. They were so fresh and bright!  I began the painting with a dry wash underpainting. This is the easiest way to start a painting. I chose some warm and red in a hard pastel. I used Nupastels. I blocked in the flowers and background and rubbed in the pastel with some pipe insulation foam. It gave me a nice dreamy underpainting with no mess or fuss!

 I will share the summer version soon. How are you doing with the Paint time project? It isn't too late. to join in. All you have to do is choose a favorite subject and paint it once a week. Then share it to your own social media accounts using the hashtag #Painttime2017. Let's have some fun with this!

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