
Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Fantastic News to Share...and a Story

'Under the Setting Sun'           18x24            pastel       ©Karen Margulis
I am thrilled to share that I just met one of my most personal art goals. My painting 'Under the Setting Sun' was awarded Best of Show in the Southeastern Pastel Society's 2017 Juried exhibition. My thanks goes to Sally Strand who judged the show. I am still in disbelief even though it happened a week ago. I was in Texas and missed the reception. I would have loved to be there because it would have made my story come full circle.

I was recently asked to share how I got started in pastel and this is the perfect time to share that story. It all began with the Southeastern Pastel Society exhibition of 2005.

It's a blue ribbon!
I started taking pastel classes in November of 2004. My kids were in high school and more self sufficient so I decided it was time to get back into some art. After an unsuccessful watercolor class I discovered pastel. I was hooked! My excellent instructor Marsha Savage and a wonderful supportive group made it easy to get hooked!

Soon after starting class I attended the opening of the Southeastern Pastel Society's annual exhibition. I was amazed by the quality and diversity of the pastel paintings in the show. I remember this moment as clearly as if it happened yesterday. I said to myself "I am going to have a painting in this show someday!"

It took a lot of work and a commitment to daily painting but one year later one of my paintings was accepted in the exhibition. It was a conch shell!  (See the post of my acceptance here.) I was beyond thrilled. There was no turning back! I continued to paint and study and work hard at my daily painting commitment (and blog) and I got accepted into the next years show....and the next and the next. In a few years I had achieved Member of Excellence designation which I never even dreamed of! I have not missed an opening reception since that first one 10 years ago.

Except this one. The year I got Best of Show!  It is a special award for me since it was this same show that ignited the spark which continues to burn!

My conch shell.....first painting accepted into an exhibition 2006


  1. Anonymous5:54 PM

    A big congrats!

  2. Anonymous5:26 AM

    Congratulations! Thanks for sharing your story and beautiful work. Inspirational!

  3. Well deserved congratulations, Karen! You are one of the most generous artists blogging.

  4. What a wonderful picture. I wish I could make something else . Congratulations for the deserved price! Thanks that you always have time for the blog

  5. I am not surprised you received "Best In Show" well deserved...what an absolute gorgeous painting...thank you for sharing your story...very inspirational...Also you are what I call a "Giving Artist"...You do the videos that we can watch and learn and you share about supplies and how you can use different tools and have fun with them ad all the wonderful techniques you share with us your PDF's on Etsy...I am so grateful to you for that...all of the above has helped me with my own Thank you So Much!!!

  6. Kevin Quattlebaum4:08 PM

    Congratulations Karen! It's a bit difficult to be in two places at once, but I am so glad you were with us in the Hill Country! You have such a generous spirit!
    My goal is to get in the Pastel Society of the Southwest show this Fall!

  7. Congratulations Karen! You deserve it for being so hardworking in your daily paitings and thank you so much for sharing all your knowledge with us.

  8. Congratulations!! I love that painting, the light and the atmosphere are gorgeous!

  9. Congratulations, Karen -- this is an absolutely stunning painting! Your color choices in the darks, always interesting, have increasingly grown more intricate and unexpected, adding extra pop to your lights. I can't believe it's been more than a since you inspired us with your workshop in Chicago. See you at IAPS! Best, Evelyn

  10. Congrat's!! I love your paintings and am in awe of I am not surprised, but I am thrilled for you!

  11. Congratulations, Karen! A beautiful painting!

  12. Anonymous10:46 PM

    Congratulations, your painting is inspirational!


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