
Monday, April 24, 2017

Winding Down by Painting Mini Pastels


I had some downtime before my flight home today. Instead of sitting at the airport I accepted the invitation to attend the Monday Open Studio session of the Illinois Prairie Pastel Society. It was fun to visit and paint with my new friends. I could get used to this! Everyone needs a group of friends to paint with! (Are you listening my Art Spirit friends in Atlanta!)

Since I had packed away most of my pastels and supplies I decided to sit and paint some minis. I took a piece of Uart that I used for a quick demo and gave it an alcohol wash and cut it into 2.5x3.5 pieces.

The darkish red paper was perfect for a series of poppy paintings. Since I had a very limited palette I enjoyed keeping things simple. I played with background colors and came up with some fun new ideas that I will try on s larger painting.

It was the perfect way to wind down from a wonderful workshop experience! I'll end this post with a peek at the pastels of one of the artists....definitely drool worthy !





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