
Monday, May 08, 2017

Painting the Wedding Bouquet

'Caitlin's Bouquet'            9x12      pastel            ©Karen Margulis
 My feet are back on the ground after a wonderful and magical wedding weekend. Our daughter Caitlin got married and it was all she dreamed of and more! We spent the weekend surrounded by family and friends and it was perfect. We could not have done it without their help and support.

Caitlin and I worked together to make her vision a reality. And with the help of her talented brother and sister-in-law the details came together. Corey designed and printed all of the invitations, menus, programs and seating chart. Grace made the wonderful fabric tassels for the chairs. My sister and brother-in-law Kellie and Richard and cousin Andrea all pitched in on the wedding day to decorate the venue. We were very happy with how everything fell into place.

Today the house was quiet after the grandbabies left for Chicago. I decided some time in the studio would be the best way to deal with the empty nest. I decided to paint Caitlin's beautiful bouquet. I think I will also try a watercolor version.

Here are a few photos of the wedding. I hope you enjoy! I'll be back to regular posting tomorrow.

from the front row....bridesmaids didn't fit in the shot (husband took the photo)
I am looking forward to see our photographer's photos!

Caitlin and Jahmal 5.5.17

Caitlin with flower girl Greta

son Corey with grandson Jamie

granddaughter Greta


  1. Wow Karen! Congratulations!!! They make a beautiful couple, and how wonderful that you get to hold on to the dreaminess of the occasion by painting the bouquet (also beautifully done)! Looking forward to the watercolor version as well :)

  2. Oh that was so sweet! Thank you for sharing - and how lovely the colors are in your rendition of the floral bouquet. It's so refreshing to read "good news" - a reminder to celebrate life!

  3. So lovely! Thank You for sharing this, and congratulations on adding a new member to your family!

  4. Thank you for sharing such a happy occasion. Congratulations!

  5. So beautiful! Congratulations on adding more happiness to your family!

  6. Thank you, Karen, for posting all these photos. It is a treat to be allowed into this very happy scene! Your children, your new son-in-law, your grandkids, all of them are just beautiful. It looked like a very warm & inviting party, too. It's nice to have art to 'come down' to, I'll bet. L&K, MaryB

  7. Lovely painting of the bouquet. That's a keeper! Thanks for sharing the wedding photos with us.

  8. Good job with the painting, and congratulations! May your daughter, and her new husband have a really blessed life together! :)


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