
Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Instagram Pick of the Week: A Beautiful Interlude

'Summertime Woods'         10x8       pastel       ©Karen Margulis
available $150
Beauty is everywhere but not everyone can see it. Sometimes it is hidden or maybe just subtle. But it is there. It takes the the eyes, heart and soul of the sensitive to see it. And it takes the artist to show it to the world. I love to see the world through the eyes of other artists. Instagram is an easy way to get my daily fix of beautiful art.

Today I would like to introduce you to an artist whose Instagram feed provides me with a beautiful interlude to my day.  Introducing Heidi Hjort.   I met Heidi two years ago when I taught a workshop in Finland. I fell in love with her work and was thrilled to find her on Instagram.
Here is an excerpt from Heidi's website:

"I’m an oil painter from Vaasa, Finland. My art is about Everyday Beauty as I believe that the mundane and the sacred are one and the same. I’m fascinated by the Impermanence of Beauty and how everything is in constant change. It’s an incredible reminder of how short life is and great reason to live each day to the fullest."

 I invite you to visit her website  and her Instagram feed @heidihjort

Below I am sharing an excerpt from my blog post during my workshop in Finland. It brings back some wonderful memories of a special place and time.

Here are a few photos from the summer house in Vaasa. This is our home base. Our host, Annika is absolutely wonderful! She is making us delicious meals and lots of coffee. She even managed to do three beautiful paintings on the first day. Here are some photos of the summer house property.

One of the demos I did in Finland

Here is Heidi painting the birch trees

The beautiful view

The guest cabin and sauna

The sun came out!
Today's painting is my version of the Birch trees. It was done on Uart paper with an alcohol wash. In going through my Finland photos for this post I found several more that are begging to be painted!

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