
Monday, June 12, 2017

When Inspiration Strikes

'Flowers on High'         6x8         pastel        ©Karen Margulis
available $75
I walked in the door around 6pm. Home from an amazing experience at the 12th Biennial IAPS convention in Albuquerque New Mexico. I unpacked my suitcase, threw in a load of laundry and downloaded my photos from the trip. The next thing I know I was standing at my easel with one of my new photos in hand. I just had to paint!

Imagine spending the week surrounded by 600 pastel artists. All of them as passionate about pastel as you are. Imagine having the opportunity to take workshops and watch demos from your favorite artists. You could watch up to three demo sessions a day if you wanted! Imagine having access to the pastel trade show....filled with your favorite supplies and some great new ones as well.  That is just a small glimpse into the IAPS convention. It is a must!  If you haven't had the opportunity to attend be sure to mark your calendar for June of 2019.

I didn't get as many photos as I had hoped for. I was busy visiting with old and new friends and time just got away from me.  I do have much more to share about the convention. I will say this.....I came home filled with inspiration and new ideas for my blog and videos and more so stay tuned!

Can you spot the signatures of your favorite artists?

The Terry Ludwig booth during a quiet moment. It was usually packed!

Marsha Savage and Duane Wakeham....two artists who have inspired me!
Today's painting: 6x8 on watercolor paper with clear gesso. This was from a walk up on Sandia Crest which I was fortunate to explore with Marsha and Haywood Savage after the convention.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome back! So glad you spent time with old friends and made new ones at the IAPS convention. Also, I love the Flowers on High pastel!


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