
Thursday, August 10, 2017

Back in the Studio .....Ireland was Grand!

'Peaceful'          8x10       pastel        ©Karen Margulis
available $145
 I am home from a most wonderful trip to Ireland. I apologize to my regular readers for not posting to the blog while I was away. I had some technical difficulties at first but then it just became a matter of time....or lack of time. We kept very busy and I returned to my room every evening ready for bed!  But now that I am home I will be writing an in-depth review along with tips for travel and for plein air on the go! I have learned so much from having the opportunity to paint all day for 10 days!

I had a very productive trip. Ireland was so inspiring and I just couldn't stop painting! I finished 40 paintings! I sold 6 of them at the exhibition and event and the icing on the cake was the Bronze that I was awarded at the exhibition!

I had a lot of catching up to do today but my regular blog postings will resume now with an in depth look at my experience at Art in the Open. Stay tuned for more tales and photos!

Here are some of the paintings I finished. I put them all out in my hotel room so I could choose what I wanted to frame for the exhibition. If you would like a closer look and perhaps add one of my Ireland paintings to your collection visit my Etsy shop. Click here for the link. 

Today I'll leave you with a look at the last painting I did. This was the informal goodbye paint out at Our Lady's Island. It was such a beautiful and peaceful spot. The painting at the top of this post was also done at this spot.


  1. Anonymous4:14 AM

    Hi Karen, love your work from Ireland. Looks like you have been busy! Hope you had a great time. I totally recognise the landscapes you have created . Any plans to come to Scotland? Best wishes. Lors

  2. Hi Lors, Thank you! I would love to come to Scotland one day! It is certainly on my list!!!

  3. So beautiful Karen! Love the colors and the way they look all together. Lovely

  4. What a grand adventure! Beautiful paintings, too!


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