
Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Everyone Needs this Color!

'In the Mauve'           8x10        pastel        ©Karen Margulis
available $125
 You can tell from the photo. This has become one of my well loved go-to pastel sets. Everyone needs this set or at the very least these colors in your favorite pastel. The set is called Misty Mauves and they are Diane Townsend soft form pastels. I bought them on a whim and I find I use them all of the time.  Mauves isn't just an 80's thing....How many of you had mauve carpet?  :)
These mauves are a must! The mauves and light peachy pinks are perfect for landscape painting.

  • They are perfect for the dirt or colors under grass.
  • They are wonderful layered with greens in trees and shrubs. They add a bit of warmth and light and make the greens come alive.
  • They are perfect for dried grasses. I love them for fall landscapes but even a green meadow had dried grass!
  •  I love using them to build up the grays in the sky and clouds.
For today's painting I challenged myself to use this set for the majority of the scene. I used a few Terry Ludwig greens and blues and they worked perfectly together. Do you have these colors in your collection? What can you paint with them?

Diane Townsend Misty Mauves set of soft form pastels available at Dakota

The underpainting with misty mauves and blues

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a three part step by step paint along demo of an autumn landscape. Check it out!


  1. Kevin Quattlebaum12:11 PM

    I must get these! On the blackland prairie in north Texas around the Dallas area
    we have a lot of grasses that turn mauve in the Fall. We don't get much more
    Fall color than that!

  2. Anonymous1:57 PM

    My husband will not be happy about this but I think I need some mauve also. lol .Unfortunately, I just ordered a few of the stunning yellows from Terry Ludwig yesterday.

  3. LOL! I'm sorry !!! :)

  4. That set includes several values and variations on my go-to gray-violet! Leaning pinkish, it's my must-have color. I loathed it on sight when my friend gave me the box of 60 vintage Rembrandts - but I kept using it on everything from skin tones to landscapes and still lifes! Just an insanely useful color. Later I found lighter or darker or bluer or redder versions in almost every assortment, but that Misty Mauves set is tempting with so MANY variations on it all in one place!

    Silly thing wore down faster than any others.

  5. Very wonderful art work !!!


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