
Monday, September 25, 2017

Why My Blog Isn't Good Enough

'Fall Harmony'          9x12        pastel        ©Karen Margulis
available $165
 I've been blogging for 12 years now. I owe my blog a big thank you. It has been good to me. I have grown as an artist and met so many wonderful people because of the blog. But it isn't good enough!  Don't get me wrong. I love my blog and I love to share and it is not going away. But I want to share so much more. I have been asked for more videos and more instruction and more access to handouts and reference photos and individual critique and online mentoring...and more video! You get the picture.

 But I like to keep things simple.....I like things to be Low Tech, Low Cost and Low Maintenance. And I have not found a platform that would let me share more in a simple way.....until now!

I am excited to share that in addition to my regular blog I will now offer expanded instruction on my new page on The new content will include monthly themes featuring step by step paint along demos through photos, weekly exercises, handouts, reference photos, expanded and curated blog posts,access to select pdf demos,  patron discounts on original paintings and much more.

Are you intrigued? Here is a sneak peek at what you can expect on the new page.  The month of October is devoted to painting the Autumn Landscape. I have already posted some blog tips as well as my PDF demo on painting an autumn marsh. This week I will be sharing a step by step demo of the painting in this post. The reference photo is below. I took 50 photos as I painted and will share many of them along with descriptions of each step so you can paint along if you wish. I share demos here on the blog but they will be expanded on the Patreon page. So what is Patreon? Keep reading for more....

The reference photo that is the inspiration for the demo painting

Adding the finishing touches
Patreon is a platform that enables creators to share their work with their fans and supporters who become  Patrons.  Many of the old masters had patrons who paid and supported them so they could create. This is the model for In return for making a pledge you become a patron and receive rewards such as more videos, discounts, access to patron only content. Creators can set the reward tiers for their page. I only have one reward tier right now. The pledge is $4 per month which will unlock all of the patron only goodies such as this step by step demo. Your support will allow me the time needed to create better instructional resources for you. When I reach my goal of 500 patrons I plan to hire a professional to make a DVD!

This is an exciting new venture for me and I am working through the learning curve. I plan to post new content to the page a few times a week. If you become a patron you can elect to be notified when I make a new post/add more content. You can visit my page
 to see what is available so far. I have a list of goodies that I will be sharing in the coming days! :)


  1. Will this blog and all of it's wonderful information still be up for us late-comer fans to peruse? I am so glad I found you. Have learned so much from you.
    Susie Graham

  2. YES!!! This blog isn't going anywhere and I will still be posting regularly. The Patreon page is a bonus! It is extra stuff should you choose to become a patron.

  3. Anonymous8:08 PM

    What does it mean $4.00 plus? Will our cards be charged only $4.00 each month or will the fee vary each month? By the way, Thank you for all of your instruction. You inspire me every day. Kindly, Janet D.

  4. Great question. It is only $4 per month. I believe they say $4 plus in case anyone wishes to pledge more. The fee will not vary!!

  5. Heather8:49 PM

    Good luck to you! I love your reading your blog & am very excited whenever you post a new video. I have to say, part of what I love is your husband/current photographer. I love that he is obviously so supportive of you, and when he asks you to clarify, hold up a product, films your makes the video so personal. I think you should give him the money you raise & keep him!

  6. Thanks Heather. Your comments are so sweet! My husband will be so happy! I actually love the informal videos but have had many comments on the quality. I wold love to keep doing the fun informal videos but also have a dvd series that had better quality video (keeping the fun though!) I appreciate your support!!

  7. To your subscribers, I follow a few creators in Patreon and this is an excellent way to learn more of their techniques and really get to know how they think when they are painting. It is an excellent value for the immense amount of information you receive. There is no long-term commitment. You pledge $4 a month and get email notification when something is posted on Patreon. You can unsubscribe to a creator whenever you want before the first of the month and not be charged that next month. Your rate never changes unless you change it. Karen may decide to add Patreon features such as one on one critiques at a higher rate and you can sign up if you want or not. One of my creators allows 10 patrons a month this feature as you can imagine it's very intensive and time consuming for them. But again, you may elect to do it one or two months and then stop so another student can have the opportunity. All in all, Patreon is a great feature for students and gives the creator the necessary funds to be able to test out new products and demonstrate for us, show expanded detailed videos of their techniques and give us a sneak peak into their art world! Win-win!!

  8. Thank you Linda!! I appreciate you taking the time to explain how Patreon works. This means a lot because you have experience with Patreon and know that it is a great platform for artists. I appreciate your endorsement and of course your support!!!

    1. You are so welcomed, Karen! This is an awesome venue for you to be able to share more tips and techniques with your fans and followers!


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