
Monday, October 09, 2017

How to Paint a Yellow Tree: Bonus Demo

'The Yellow Tree'      12x12       pastel        ©Karen Margulis
 Are you having fun painting the colors of Fall? I am having fun playing with using an intense underpainting to help give punch to my yellow trees. I used the Art Graf primary color squares for this underpainting and I love how they gave me a great head start!

TODAY'S TIP: You can use the medium of your choice for an underpainting but for yellow I like to underpaint with some yellow. It seems to help the yellows feel brighter and more intense.

Underpainting with Art Graf pigment squares
I have posted a mini demo for this painting on my Patreon page. It is available for all! I invite you to head over to my page to have a look at what we are doing!

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