
Thursday, October 26, 2017

Workshop Review: New Mexico in the Fall

'Meadows of Gold'           9x12           pastel         ©Karen Margulis
available $145
 It seems to get better every year! This year my workshop at Our Lady of Guadeloupe Benedictine Monastery in Pecos New Mexico was an amazing experience. The weather cooperated and we were blessed with peak fall color and comfortable days. We had some wind the first two days but then it settled down and we basked in the warm sunny days.

The location is beautiful and the monastery welcomes us and treats us well but it is the artists in the group that make a workshop special. It is a wonderful thing when artists of all abilities and from all over (even as far as Toronto!) come together and form new and lasting bonds of friendship. Everyone in this group were supportive of one another no matter how experienced with pastel and plein air. It was a group of kind and joyful people which made it a pleasure for me to share and celebrate their successes.

I am still getting unpacked and caught up and cannot wait to get back to my easel. I thought it would be fun to share some photos of the monastery so you can see the beauty that surrounded us all week.

A collage of my demo paintings from New Mexico 

Down by the pond

New Mexico at it's finest

The trail down to the river. Look at that blue sky!

Morning light

The skies were amazing!

One evening at sunset.
And that is only a small sample of the wonderful subject matter that inspired us. I hope to go back again next fall!


  1. Your camera's wonderful too. All those reference photos all these years have given you a great eye for the paintable scene. I love those photos! And your demo paintings of course.

  2. Beautiful tribute to my home state. (We are in Texas, now.)


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