
Monday, February 04, 2019

Monday Inspiration from Van Gogh

'December Fog'             12x9           pastel           ©Karen Margulis
available $165

"If you hear a voice within you saying 'You are not a painter', then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced"   Vincent Van Gogh

I love this quote by Van Gogh. Some may disagree but if you paint or create art are an artist.  You may be new at painting or you may be at a cross roads in your journey but as long as you continue to make art I believe you must consider yourself an artist.

I often see hesitation in my students to refer to themselves as artists. Perhaps they believe that they aren't good enough to be able call themselves artists. But this hesitation can prevent growth.  In order to grow as an artist you must work hard at your art. Being afraid of failure or of not doing it right or not being good enough can be paralyzing. This fear stops many from painting.

I am going to give a copy of this quote to my students. I want them to believe in themselves and know that if they paint they are artists. The more they paint the faster their skills will grow.  Thanks Vincent for the inspiration!

Painting notes: This painting is on Part 400 with an alcohol wash underpainting. I used a pale green pearlescent pastel to paint the fog!

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