
Monday, March 25, 2019

An Amazing Trick with Workable Fixative

'Summer Magic ll'               9x12                pastel               ©Karen Margulis
available $175

It is one of my most asked questions. Do I use fixative and what kind? The quick answer is that I don't use final fixative on a finished painting. The pastel holds so well on sanded paper that I am not worried about it. Once a painting is framed properly under glass there is really no concern.

I do however LOVE to use workable fixative in my painting process. I don't use it for every painting. There are certain subjects that benefit from the interesting texture that some workable fixatives can create. I use Blair Very Low Odor Workable fixative. It will definitely darken and dull the pastel but that is exactly why I use it!  I want the darkened areas fixed in place so when I add light layers of pastel on top it will ride over the dark area leaving subtle texture.

But sometimes we don't get a nice even and light spray. If the nozzle is clogged we get fixative SPLATTER! It might seem like a disaster but I love the splatter effect so much that I do it on purpose!

close up of flowers and splatter
Look closely at the painting today's post. Do you see the little darkish spots? This is dried fixative spray. The first time it happened I could have panicked when my fixative splattered but instead I embraced it because I realized it gave the suggestion of 'stuff' in the grass.....weedy things in the tangle of grasses.

TIP: To create the fixative splatter just press on a small part of the spray button. It will cause the spray to sputter and splatter. Have fun experimenting!

The underpainting was an alcohol wash with Derwent Inktense blocks

1 comment:

  1. This is so cool. I have had this happen to me as well, but got upset with "the disaster". You have well described how you make this work to your advantage. I agree 100% with you regarding the effect can be really advantageous. Thanks for sharing.


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