
Tuesday, March 05, 2019

Do You Struggle With Painting Shadows?

'Simple Pleasures'                  8x10              pastel          ©Karen Margulis
This will be the March Patreon Painting Giveaway
Shadows were the thing that challenged me the most....right after value!  When I would hear instructors talk about painting shadows I would be overwhelmed. Warm Light = cool shadows ...shadows on flat planes vs slanted....color and value of shadows.......It was too much information and I struggled to get my shadows to look believable.

I have learned some tips that have helped me. I have shared them in the past here on the blog but now I am making the study of light and shadows an in-depth unit on my Patreon Page. Last month we explored light and this month our focus will be on painting natural shadows. I am starting the month off with a video lesson and demo featuring this painting.

Here is the painting  before I fixed the 'bad' shadows. What changes do you think I made?

I hope you will join me over on Patreon if you haven't already!  It is a $4 a month subscription.

1 comment:

  1. Yes I too have trouble with shadows in my landscapes! It seems the difference between the two paintings is that you've made the shadows far more subtle with shades of gray and blue? I've been experimenting with purple and blue shadows in my work and it's yielded some interesting results!


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