
Friday, May 17, 2019

Impressive Wave Paintings in Pastel

Wave Paintings by my Patreon Artists!

I have been blown away by the wave paintings that have been shared by the artists on my Patreon Community page! Take a look at the collage at the top of this post. These are paintings done by patrons and shared on the community page after my wave demo last week. What I love about them is how unique they all are even though everyone was working from the same photo. This is pastel mark making in action. We all have our own personal calligraphy with mark making. It is like our handwriting. Can you see it here? It is so much fun to see artists embrace a subject they may not have painted before and rock it!
Here are some more wave paintings that were shared this past week. I am so impressed and happy to see my patrons have fun painting. You can see the joy in these waves!
More wave paintings done by my Patrons
You can join in on all the fun on my Patreon Page. It is like my blog on steroids! New lessons and videos every week. Give it a try:
And thank you to all of you who are already patrons. I appreciate your support!

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