
Saturday, June 08, 2019

Do You Like Painting Challenges?

'Promises'               9x12              pastel               ©Karen Margulis
I work better under pressure. Give me an assignment or a challenge and I'm on it! Give me unlimited time and no agenda then I putter and fiddle and don't make much progress! So in that spirit I started a Pastel Challenge group on facebook several years ago. It is still there but it got too hard to manage so I stepped back and now it is not very active. There were other places online that I would go for support and challenges. I used to love and their pastel group. It was my online home. I learned so much from seeing other pastel work and reading the answers to pastel questions.

Now we have a whole new world of painting support with social media and online classes and workshops. YouTube offers an unlimited supply of information. We can be inspired by Instagram and Facebook groups and Pinterest boards. If you are the kind of artist that needs challenges and organized learning experiences you are fortunate to have it at your fingertips!  

A couple of years ago an artist friend introduced me to Patreon. I had never heard of it before but she thought that the kind of teaching I liked to do would be perfect for the Patreon platform. I jumped at the chance to share more in depth lessons and videos. My Patreon Page has grown and we now have a wonderful art community. I share about Patreon here on my blog from time to time because I am so excited about my Patreon lessons and I want to be sure my blog readers know where they can get expanded information.  And the best thing about joining is that is is cheap....just $4 a month and that there is NO commitment.You can easily cancel at anytime. You have access to ALL of the past lessons and videos and challenges once you are a member so that is now 2 years of pastel and painting information!

One of the recent challenges I issued was to paint from the photo below. It is a challenging photo but you should see the results!  I didn't share my version until a few days into the challenge so that everyone would paint their interpretation and vision. It was great fun!

Check out my page and consider joining us!

1 comment:

  1. A comment sent to my email that I’d like to share:I can testify to the highly effective teaching and information available from Karen's patreon site. I have made big progress in my abilities to finally have a teacher who can explain and reinforce the basics.


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