
Monday, March 23, 2020

Two New Video Demos for You! Clouds and Poppies

'Evening Peace'                11x15                 pastel                  ©Karen Margulis
available $175
 I have several painting projects in the works! Keeping busy in the studio keeps me grounded. I am happy to share two new video demo options.  The first demo is a sunset skyscape. I painted this for my Patreon group since we are working on skies and clouds. I am making it open to the public so you can get an idea of what Patreon looks like. You don't have to join to watch but we sure would love to have you join our community! Click on the link below to see the video. Scroll down for your other video option.

I used the Red Rock set of Terry Ludwig pastels for my sunset painting

'Dancing Queens'           12x9            pastel
I painted these poppies on black Uart sanded paper. Click on the link below to watch the demo on YouTube. The Magic of Mark Making !

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:46 PM

    The patreon video doesnt work for me in australia even though you have made it public
    Thank you for your extra posts during our isolation time


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