
Friday, July 10, 2020

Have you Tried Sauce Drawing Crayons?

'Last Summer'               9x12                pastel                ©Karen Margulis
available on Etsy $165

I got a surprise in the mail a few weeks ago! A collector sent me a box of sauce. No not pasta sauce......Sauce drawing crayons. She thought I would enjoy them for painting grasses. I had never seen them before so a little research was in order. Here is some information from the Fine Art Store website:

This is a medium from the Dark Ages - few of today's painters have had the opportunity to work with it. Sauce was a nearly-extinct medium that offered a full ten value tonal range. In the tumult of the last century, Sauce was all but lost to the world's artists. It survived only in Russia. It is a stick much like a soft pastel, but when applied to paper, it gives a sensation of warm silk, slightly greasy but not oily. Breaking the Sauce down into its powder form can add to the versatility of its use. Each wooden boxed set contains 10 sticks which measure 7/16"x1-1/2".

My box of sauce!
I review these sticks over in my Patreon group and use them in this rock demo painting. I am thoroughly enjoying them for my rock paintings this month! They do have a silky feel and go over layers of soft pastel with ease! I will definitely use them for grasses as well as rocks. It is always fun to try something new (to me) and find they do add to my paintings!

Before adding the details
Visit my Patreon group for our month long focus on rocks!

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