
Saturday, August 01, 2020

Do You Want to Paint More and Think Less?

'Summer Love'               8x6             pastel             ©Karen Margulis
available $75

Today I want to share the introduction post for my August Patreon content. I know many of you are already patrons and I am grateful for your support. If you were thinking of going us for just $4 a month, this month will be a fun time to join We are going to PLAY!

Buckle up friends! This month we will be painting fast and furiously!  If you are a 'fly by the seat of your pants' painter you are going to love it. If you are a more slow and methodical painter this month will have you going outside of your comfort zone. It is going to be a fun month of painting and learning and growth!
 It seems strange that I will be recommending that we paint this month without planning in advance but  I hope to convince you that playful quick studies are just as important to our growth as learning how to plan and use the basic concepts of good painting. And it is just plain fun!  Thinking is important. But sometimes we study and think too much and we end up overworking paintings and feeling frustrated. There is a time and place for everything and I will lay it out this month through lessons and demos.
Above is my finished demo painting done in the video.(available to patrons)  I quickly responded to this familiar scene and painted with my heart. It is 8x6 on MingArt paper.

  • As usual there will be a Monday demo which will either be a video or step by step photo demo.
  • There will be a new Paint Along series for Silver members
  • Silver tier copyright free reference photos and Saturday expanded lessons for silver members.
  • Pastel review: I will review the new Unison Light and Shadow set.
  • A new conversation starter
  • Art business 101 tip
  • Review of Dakota mounted boards
  • Friday challenges
  • Whatever else I find to support our content this month!
My personal plan is to paint a small 5x7 study every day this month. This is not a 30 day painting challenge that you see occasionally. I don't want to put pressure on anyone however if you are up to the task go for it!!  I do hope you will commit to painting at least 2-3 small studies each week. You can make it easier by preparing in advance. Spend a day getting supplies organized so it will be easy to pop into your painting place and paint a quick study.
  • Cut at least 20 pieces of paper down to 5x7 or 6x8. No smaller or larger. Any pastel paper will work. This is a great time to use the papers you don't like and have in a pile somewhere!
  • Gather some reference photos. I like to print them on inkjet paper and elect several photos and size them to fit 4-8 on a page. If you have photos ready to go you will be more efficient!
  • Put together a small box of pastels or select a limited palette to simplify your pastel choice. I will be using my set of Floral Landscape Terry Ludwig pastels. 

I'd love for you to join us on Patreon!! It is easy to join and easy to cancel if you find it isn't for you!

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