
Wednesday, September 02, 2020

Lessons From a Still Life

             'In the Kitchen'                  8x10                pastel           ©Karen Margulis        available $155 

I remember this class like it was yesterday. It was back when I offered weekly classes in my studio. Those were wonderful times! We usually painted landscape and I began each class with a demo. This class was different. They came into the studio with the easels all rearranged in a circle and in the middle was a set up of pumpkins and gourds....a still life! There were a few moans and groans but everyone was game to try something different. At the end of the class we felt exhilaration for having trued something nee...working form life and stitching our painting muscles. Here are some of the things we discovered. 

  •  We learned that painting a still life wasn't all that dreadful. In fact I would say that some of us really enjoyed the still life and might even be inspired to paint more of them.
  • We learned that we all have our own unique viewpoint and painting style. This was even more obvious when we painted the same things. Have a look at the bottom photo to see what I mean!
  • We learned that painting a still life can help strengthen our skills of observation. Especially when we had to paint from our sketches and notes. (we had 10 minutes to sketch and 20 minutes to paint...and so on)
  • We brainstormed and decided that painting a still life can help us with important painting skills such as composition, value, seeing color, drawing is a great way to paint from life in the comfort of the studio.
I am repeating this focus on the still life again only this time my Patreon group! If you would like to stretch your painting muscles and dip into the world of the still life consider joining us this month. It is only $4 for the lower tier or $6 for all of the lessons, videos and paint along. You can cancel at anytime.  Check it out and join the fun

The painting I am sharing is the fist video demo of the month on Patreon. It is 8x10 

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