
Friday, November 06, 2020

Have You Tried a Tempera Paint Underpainting?

                     'Autumn Dance'           16x9          pastel       ©Karen Margulis. available $365


The kids had fun and I had even more fun when they were finished!  Last week my grandkids came to the studio to paint pumpkins. I cleared off my big table and put out a nice selection of kid tempera paint and brushes. I have been collecting art supplies for the kids and they are now at a great age for studio time. They are still learning to manage the amount of paint they will use and they did a good job but we still had some leftover paint on their palettes. The colors were wonderful....fluorescents and glittery golds and silvers. I couldn't let it go to waste!

I covered the palettes with plastic wrap and the next day had some grown up fun with the leftover paint on a piece of LuxArchival sanded paper. (my new favorite).  I scrubbed on paint with a big brush and sprayed it with water to make some drips.  It was so much fun!  I set the underpainting aside and yesterday decided it would make a fun underpainting for an autumn wildflower painting. Ultimately much of the underpainting got covered but the little bits of fun color adds some excitement to the painting!  I will be using these paints again!

                                                       Here is the finished underpainting. 


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