
Saturday, January 02, 2021

Painting with my Non Dominant Hand and Patreon Index!

      'Fairytale Forest'              9x12             pastel            ©Karen Margulis    available on Etsy $195

I have been away from the easel for the past two weeks. I strained my shoulder and needed to give it a rest! It was good to regroup and relax after a crazy year! My shoulder is not 100% but I just can't stay away from the easel any longer! I decided it would be good to paint with my non dominant left hand for awhile. After a few awkward marks it felt better. This all blue painitng is my first attempt. The next one was better with more control. Although I like the abstract quality of this one! It may be the start of something interesting for the new year?

What are you planning for your art life in 2021?  I have moved most of my workshops to an online format once again. I will be adding more variety in offerings as well. I have also added now content to my Patreon group. There will now be lessons broken into levels. I will have a Beginner's Corner, a Next Level intermediate offering and the In the Zone advanced lessons. I am so excited for another full year of sharing on Patreon! If you have ever considered joining or coming back have a look at the index I am sharing below. I have three years of content all available to patrons for just a $4 or $6 monthly pledge. And now you can easily find the older content. 

If you are looking for a group of supportive like minded artists and a way to get motivated to paint and really improve your paintings consider joining us this year!  Have a look at


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