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Saturday, June 02, 2007

Honorable Mention for 'Afternoon Clouds'!

Tonight was the opening reception for the Southeastern Pastel Society's Juried Members Exhibition. I am happy to report that my painting 'Afternoon Clouds' won an Honorable Mention! Here is a photo of me and the painting this afternoon before the reception. Jayne, Holly and I went over early to view the show before the official opening. We planned to paint in the afternoon but it actually rained so we just hung out and got caught up. The show was good and we had a great day as we always do. I am thrilled with having two paintings accepted into the show so the honorable mention award is icing on the cake for me. I am also excited to report that my teacher Marsha Savage won First Place for her Sunflower painting that we love! Congratulations Marsha!! It looks like I picked the Best Teacher!!!!


Bonny said...

Congratulations, Karen! That is so terrific... an Honourable Mention means you're being noticed by those who count. And who knows? The next jurried show you'll probably walk away with the top prize. Personally I think you should have anyway;)

Anonymous said...

I love this painting...Congrats!


Anonymous said...

What wonderful news!!! Honorable Mention!!! Way to go. I am soooo glad you are being rewarded for all your hard work.

Karen said...

Thank you all so much! I was thrilled just to be in the show so an award was really nice!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! This is great! Keep up your good work.